Our Vinyl Record Cleaning Services
Dust, fungus, dirt and electrical charges can be damaging to your vinyl records. This can lead to a loss of fidelity, or worse, ruin your cartridge’s stylus.
We provide vinyl cleaning service for your records, from a clean on our own manual vacuum system, Kirmuss Ultrasonic Restoration, Vinyl Flattening, and Vinyl Sleeve fittings, based in Petaling Jaya, Kuala Lumpur.

Vacuum Record Clean
RM5 per record
We use three sets of brushes depending on the condition of your vinyl record. Our own record cleaning solution is used to scrub the surface of the record. Once the surface is scrubbed clean, the record is then passed through a micro brush vacuum to dry and lift up the dirty solution.
There will be a complimentary anti-static paper record sleeve provided with this service.
- Brush and gently scrubbed
- Vacuumed twice
- Complimentary sleeve
If you have less than 5 records, we'll clean it on the spot.

Kirmuss Ultrasonic Clean
RM10 per record
Our Kirmuss Ultrasonic System restores and cleans your records. Even brand new records sound even better as our method cuts through plasticisers, grime, and even leftover solutions from other cleaning services.
The Kirmuss Ultrasonic System doesn’t aim ultrasonic waves directly at the record, but indirectly. Testing (on our demo systems) shows improvements in sound quality, dynamics and even volume.
It’s then wiped down with a dustless, microfibre cloth, before being air blown. We give a free complimentary record sleeve if needed.
For records that require a pre-cleaning to remove dirt build ups, these are put through our Vacuum Record Clean service for an additional RM5.
- Complimentary sleeve
- Ultrasonically Cleaned
- Dried with Microfiber Cloth & Custom Blower

Vinyl Flattening Service
RM20 per record
Do you have warped vinyl? Using an Air Tight Orb service, we are able to flatten moderately warped records. This is a time-consuming process that takes up to 4 hours per record as it takes time to heat up and gently cool. At times, it can take up to 8 hours. The Air Tight Orb uses heating around the vinyl record instead of directly.
Before using our Vinyl Flattening service, each record is cleaned with our vacuum vinyl cleaner to remove general grime that has gathered. We don’t recommend more than 8 hours (two presses) for the lifetime of a record to preserve the tonality of the record.
An additional RM10 will be incurred for each subsequent presss for the same record.

Vinyl Cover Sleeve
RM3 Basic LP
RM7 Double Spread
Want to preserve your vinyl art? We cut wrap up your plastic sleeves with custom-fitted sleeves. These just wrap around the cover, while still allowing you to pull out your record and accompanying material.
Call Joseph for enquiries at 0102001992