Handcrafted in Switzerland
Benz Micro
Benz Micro cartridges have been in production for 30 years and are handcrafted in Switzerland. In the past decades, Benz Micro has built itself up to have a stellar status as designers and engineers who are able to consistently give music lovers around the world the cartridges of their dreams at an available price point.

These are built using extreme, watch-like precision, with parts made possible from the aerospace industry. The results are products that have become a standard for really good sound.The manufacture of each cartridge is more than just a hand made process. Even the machinery made to coil the windings of each cartridge are purpose built by Benz Micro to their own specifications.

You can easily transform the way your record player sounds when you install a new cartridge. Benz Micro cartridges are renowned for bringing out the dynamics, timing and “transparent”. Users are often excited by how much detail is brought to attention once the cartridge is installed. There’s a wide range of cartridges made for every system. Many models come with different inputs.

Tested and designed by Albert Lukaschek
Benz Micro cartridges was founded by world renowned cartridge designer and watch maker Ernst Benz. After his passing, Ernst’s friend and colleague, Albert Lukaschek took over Benz Micro. Albert Lukaschek personally inspects each cartridge, which contributes to the brand’s high demand, rarity and stellar sound.